Why Content Marketing is Critical for Small Businesses

Is content marketing a key part of your overall strategy? If not, it definitely should be!

Today, content marketing is crucial for small businesses. It helps you to engage with your customers, attract new ones and increase brand awareness. The benefits it delivers are vast, yet many small businesses still aren’t implementing it as part of their marketing strategy.

Here, we will look at some of the main reasons content marketing is critical for small businesses.

It increases your ROI

Did you know that content marketing provides a great return on investment compared to other methods? Even if you choose to hire somebody to create the content for you, your ROI will still increase.

It is said to cost up to 62% less to use content marketing than traditional methods. So, not only will you generate more leads and improve your ROI, but you will also save money too.

All types of content marketing will boost ROI, but email marketing is particularly effective. Campaign Monitor has shared data which shows a targeted, segmented email campaign can lead to a staggering 760% increase in revenue.

Allowing you to promote without selling

Consumers today HATE being sold to. The days of pushy ad campaigns are long gone. Now, brands need to be clever when it comes to promoting their business and products.

Content marketing is a great way to promote your brand without selling to the customer. The key is to provide useful and relevant content your audience wants to read. By covering issues that your audience face outside of what you offer, they will keep coming back. This in turn increases the likelihood they will make a purchase from you.

You can use it to build up brand trust

Content marketing is a fab way to build up brand trust. Consumers often cite that trust is an important factor when they make purchasing decisions. If consumers don’t trust you, they aren’t going to buy from you.

The best way to build up trust through content marketing, is with a blog. A study by SMX East, shows that 73% of consumers prefer to get information about a brand through articles and blogs, rather than through advertising.

Helping you to grow your audience

One of the great benefits of content marketing, is that it can really boost your audience. If you are producing high-quality content, your audience are more likely to share it. This builds up brand awareness, getting your audience promoting you.

After publishing content, you don’t need to do much additional work to get results. Your content can draw in new leads for months after it has been published. With other marketing methods such as paid ads, your leads will stop when the ad stops running.

So, if you are looking to grow your audience, content marketing can really help. However, it will take a lot of hard work. You will need to create a good strategy to ensure you get the results you are looking for.

It will boost your SEO

Another benefit of content marketing is that it can boost your SEO. This means it improves your search engine visibility.

There are a number of ways to boost SEO with your content. Publishing useful content frequently will positively impact SEO.

Did you know that 24% of enterprise marketers publish content multiple times per week? A staggering 20% even publish content daily. Posting frequently tells search engines that your site is active. This is just one thing they look for when displaying websites in their search results.

You can also boost your SEO by including keywords in your content. However, if you do choose to do this, make sure you don’t stuff the content with keywords. They should be used sparingly throughout, ensuring the content reads well.

As you can see, content marketing plays a crucial role in business. It costs less than traditional methods and delivers a great ROI. However, if you want to get the right results, it is important to learn as much about it as you can. There are a lot of mistakes you will want to avoid, and you will need a good plan in place.

Start implementing a content marketing strategy into your business today. You might just be surprised by how effective they can be.

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