8 Content Marketing Ideas

 fail to utilize is interviews. Is there a niche expert you could interview for your blog? If the interviewee is a person of interest, it’s going to help you generate a huge amount of traffic.

You could interview experts, influencers, and even your own customers. 

7. Case studies

While you should mostly focus on informational style content, occasionally promotional content can work well. Case studies are a good example of effective promotional content you can produce.

How has your business helped its customers recently? Case studies allow you to show your audience the results they can expect when they invest in your products or services. 

To make your case study stand out, why not do it in video format? As mentioned earlier, videos can be highly effective at engaging your audience. 

8. eBooks

eBooks take a bit more effort than the other content types on the list. However, they can also generate more significant results.

You can sell the eBooks you produce, helping to create an additional stream of income. Or you could offer an eBook as a lead magnet, encouraging more sign ups to your email list for example. 

There are so many different types of content you can use to market your small business. The ones featured above are some of the most effective types of content you can create. Ideally, you will want to focus on offering a few different types of content. This will help you to attract a much wider audience, as well as increase your marketing results.

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